Handsome’s Disease

Dr Laszloxander Hamilton

What Is Handsome’s Disease?

Handsome’s Disease, formerly known as lepurrrosy, is a disease that affects cats around the world. Cat’s who contract Handsome’s Disease become dangerously cute, and anyone around them can be affected by their cuteness. While it’s thought that Handsome’s Disease has been around for thousands of years, the first documented case was a cat named Mr Handsome in the late 19th century.

At this time, there is no known cure for Handsome’s Disease. While not fatal, it affects countless lives on a daily basis. This is why Dr Laszloxander Hamilton is researching this terrible disease.


of cats will contract Handsome’s Disease in their lifetime.


of cat photos on social media show signs of Handsome’s Disease.


cures or treatments have been found for Handsome’s Disease.

Common Symptoms of Handsome’s Disease

Here are a few signs that your cat may have it:

  • You find yourself taking many photos of your cat
  • They frequently do a big stretch
  • You’ve started asking them questions like, “who’s the handsomest boy?” or, “are you a floofy baby?”
  • They have one or more of the following:
    • Little feets
    • Bean toes
    • A cute snoot
  • They make cute noises
  • You’re frequently overwhelmed by how cute they are
  • They’re just a little guy

These are just some of the most common symptoms. Always talk to a veterinary professional if you suspect that your cat has Handsome’s Disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can We Do to Fight Handsome’s Disease?

Dr Laszloxander Hamilton himself suffers from Handsome’s Disease, but he says there’s hope for those who have contracted it.

The Handsome’s Disease Research Act

In 1993, Socks Clinton passed the Handsome’s Disease Research act.

This landmark piece of legislation established and funded the Handsome’s Disease Research Institute in order to find the cause and a cure for this illness.

Socks Clinton, of the Clinton Administration, at the White House.

How You Can Help


them to as many snacks as they want.


them every time they put their butt in your face.


them your chair, and never get up if they’re on your lap.

Laszlo the cat

About Dr Laszloxander Hamilton

Dr Laszloxander Hamilton is a pioneering feline surgeon dedicated to finding a cure for Handsome’s Disease. He graduated top of his class from the prestigious Purrrinceton University, where he earned his degree in Feline Medicine. As a surgeon, Laszlo’s steady paws and cute fluffy cheeks have made him a favorite among patients and colleagues alike. When he’s not in the lab or the operating room, he enjoys hitting the golf course—though instead of chasing birdies, he’s chasing birds.